
Our Ministry strives to create a safe, encouraging place to really help Ladies GROW (#GrowGirl) and flourish in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We asked our Ladies for testimonials and here is what they had to say about us!

Some of the most amazing women run this.  A place where you hear honesty and how God forgives.  A place where you feel welcome.  A great place for Ladies who Love Christ and want to be with other Ladies who Love Christ.

Sherry Jacobs Jernigan

These are amazing ladies who help us in our faith. Sometimes when I am at my darkest I come and read the posts and my pain is eased. They have helped me so much. Thank you God for this community.

Becky Ryman

These ladies are awesome such a blessing. I’m so grateful to be a part of this group. The Bible studies are great & being able to go back and catch the replay is a big help.

Donna Mealor

I have been a part of LWLC for about a year. This ministry has helped shape and form my walk with God. The support of all these ladies is so strong!! When they say they are going to be praying for you that’s what they do!! I feel it every time! When being involved in the Bible studies you forget that you are hundreds of miles away because God has everyone’s hearts so close! Life changing in every way!!💕

Very friendly non-judging and understanding when I get tangled up in the technology!

Karen M., Ireland

6. Love this new to me discovered Women’s Ministry! Just stumbled upon it less than 6 months ago when I was trying to do more women’s studies and wasn’t able to make them all at work! Have been able to do these at my own pace as well as just recently attended the LWLC Conference and met several of those live! Truly been a blessing to find this group! 🙏💗 Mendie Lange

7. I love this group. Monday nights they have a Bible study that really encourages me. I love everything about this group. On Wednesdays I love seeing all the verses and everything people share. I love how much they pray for you all the time. You can put a prayer request up & in two seconds they are already praying for you. The LWLC conference blessed me tremendously. It changed my life. The music was beautiful and all the speakers. I feel so loved by these sweet ladies! Laura Costello

8. Ladies Who Love Christ came into my life at just the right time!!!  All the wonderful ladies are so sweet, encouraging and uplifting.   I love that there are year round bible studies and mini teachings.  The ladies conference this year was beyond amazing and a beautiful opportunity for ladies from all over the country to worship the Lord together.  I’m doubly blessed because Ashley asked me to be a part of leadership and be a part of a sisterhood. Heather Runyan

9. I have been a part of LWLC for a little over a year. I have made new friends and have grown stronger in my walk with God through the bible studies and connections made along the way. Meeting these ladies and having encouragement from them to change spiritually, physically and emotionally has meant everything to me! I recommend LWLC to any woman that needs a family and place to belong, where broken hearts can be mended through learning about our savior, Jesus Christ. Miranda Williamson Cook

10. I really like the posts in this group. They are really inspiring & I go on with my day thinking all day about what I have read on the page. This last conference y’all had just seemed so awesome, I truly wished I could have been there. Just reading some of the posts encourages me & I just feel like everything in my body comes a live. These ladies have to be great to be around and talk with. I’m new to this page but ready to get into the studies with these ladies. Joann LeBouef

11. Ladies Who Love Christ Ministries is amazing!! I wanted to do the last bible study but didn’t have the finances for the materials. Ladies Who Love Christ Ministries got the materials I needed for the study plus a bible. I learned so much from that study. Ashley and Sarah are amazing teachers!! Christina Curtis-Cochran

12. You know I am in a very challenging time in my life and out of no where I met Ashley and Alex. I know that God has put her and LWLC Ministries in my life for a reason. I have a long way to go but am very certain that these ladies have made me feel very welcome and given me a sence of peace and comfort in my life. I love how everyone is so uplifting and supportive. I can not wait to really get involved with these ladies and absolutely felt like I should have been at the conference this pat weekend. You all of been such a support to me and Im sure you dont even know it. Thank you Jesus for sending these ladies to me. Kim Setser

13. God blessed me with this Ministry. I can listen to live ladies bible studies or play them later. The daily chat and etc… all bible based! Cici Carolyn

14. What a supportive and informative group of ladies coming together to strengthen my faith in God and His word! We are truly sisters in Christ. Beth May

15. Ladies Who Love Christ are such Christ loving women who dedicate so much time and love to others. I am so thankful for all if them. Vickie K.